Month: September 2013


A Prize For Peace

Alfred Nobel made a fortune from the invention of dynamite, which changed the course of warfare. Perhaps because of the horrors that wars inflicted with the use of dynamite, he made a provision in his will for a prize to be given annually to those who work to promote peace. Today it’s called the Nobel Peace Prize.

people or God?

I n every realm and relationship I want people to think well of me. I’m tempted to please people, especially when they give me affirmation. I can often tell if I’ve met a person’s expectations by the look on his face or the tone of her voice. But, by God’s grace, I’ll stake my claim that I’m a former addict of man’s opinion, for I believe God is greater than any pull I might feel to please others.

A Difficult Place

When a sudden change in technology made his job obsolete, a highly trained scientist found himself working in a fast-food restaurant. One evening after our Bible study he described the situation as difficult and humbling. He said, “One good thing I can say is that the young people there seem very interested in my faith.” A member of the group responded, “I admire you for being humble. I know your faith must have something to do with it.”

What does it mean to seek God’s will for our lives?

As followers of Christ, we’re called to pursue God’s righteousness. But what does that really mean? See how reflecting God’s righteousness makes a lasting impact on the world around you.


There was a time, deep into my walk with Jesus, when life became extremely difficult. I told a friend that I felt like a mouse, batted back and forth between the paws of a cat that was toying with his victim before making the final blow.

God can restore shattered dreams–Lisa’s Story

Losing a loved one is profoundly painful, but when Lisa lost both a child and her husband, her lifetime dream of being a wife and mother was shattered. Discover how God’s grace provides strength and hope to anyone dealing with a devastating loss. Find out more of what the Bible says about “Our Eternal Home.”...

When Troubles Surround Us

By Dr.U.Jasmine Packia Priya, India We read of the story of Hagar and her child in Genesis 21: 15–19. Hagar, with Abraham’s child, was sent away and left to wander in the desert, helpless and overwhelmed with grief. She had used up all the water she had for herself and her child. And now, her [...]

Time For A Change

Many believers long to spend daily time with God, praying and reading His Word. Ironically, they are often distracted by a busy schedule. Frustrations mount as busyness seems to crowd out an opening in their schedule.

wise in God’s eyes

Who’s the brightest person in the world—the one with the highest IQ? Some would name Abdesselam Jelloul, who has an IQ of 198. Others say it’s Marilyn vos Savant with her IQ of 228. The Guinness Book of World Records lists physicist and engineer Kim Ung-Yong as having the highest confirmed IQ in the world (210). Interestingly, Albert Einstein had an IQ of “only” 160, while the average IQ for human beings is 90-109.

That You May Be Certain: The Gospel of Luke, Part I: The Investigation

The gospel of Luke gives us one of the most detailed accounts of the life of Christ. It presents a unique perspective on Jesus and those surrounding Him during His time on earth and expresses an unusual sensitivity to the weak and poor

The End?

Everything in this world eventually comes to an end, which at times can be disheartening. It’s the feeling you get when you read a book that’s so good you don’t want it to end. Or when you watch a movie that you wish would go on a little while longer.

God Had Other Plans

My friend Linda grew up planning to become a medical missionary. She loves the Lord and wanted to serve Him as a doctor by taking the gospel to sick people in parts of the world where medical care is hard to find. But God had other plans. Linda has indeed become a medical missionary, but not the way she expected.

A timely lesson on priorities from the Sermon on the Mount

Every day we juggle the responsibilities of work, church, family, and friends. And at times, it’s difficult to know how best to prioritize! Let's explore Jesus’ charge to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.”

a world at peace

My friends and I once interviewed believers of the four major religions practiced in Singapore to find out their teaching on Utopia. This topic intrigued us, for we knew that all people live in an imperfect world.

Instead of Me

By Samjhana Ranabhat, 25, Nepal It was the month of April. My sister had made urgent plans to return home from college because of a sudden illness. I had asked her to take a couple of days off classes and just stay home to rest but she did not get better; in fact her pain [...]

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